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Between Tick and Tock

What the Bible says about how it all begins, how it all ends, and everything in between
  • By Michael P. Jensen
Product Description

Between Tick and Tock: What the Bible Says About How It All Begins, How It All Ends, and Everything in Between addresses some of the most profound questions that have intrigued humanity for millennia. Who are we as human beings? What is our place on this planet? Why does the world exhibit such a paradoxical nature, being so inherently good yet so evidently flawed? How did the world arrive at its current state, and what does the future hold for it?

This book embarks on a comprehensive exploration of these existential queries through the lens of the Bible, presenting a narrative that spans from the inception of the universe to its ultimate culmination. It unfolds the story of God's extraordinary plan for the world and the human beings who inhabit it. By delving into biblical scriptures, the book provides insights into the divine intentions behind creation and the overarching purpose of human life.

The book suggests that the goodness of the world is a reflection of God's original design and intention. The beauty and order found in nature, the complexities of life, and the capacity for love and creativity in human beings all point to a benevolent Creator. Yet, it also acknowledges the presence of brokenness and corruption, attributing these to the divergence from divine will and the entrance of sin into the world. This duality of good and spoiled, the book argues, is central to understanding the human condition and the world's current state. Furthermore, Between Tick and Tock explores the biblical narrative of redemption and restoration. It posits that despite the apparent decay and moral decline, there is a divine plan at work aimed at reconciling creation back to its intended glory.

In essence, Between Tick and Tock weaves a comprehensive story that not only addresses the origins and destiny of the world but also the significant role human beings play within this grand narrative. It calls readers to understand their place in God's plan, to recognise the inherent value and responsibility bestowed upon them, and to live in a way that aligns with divine purposes. Through this exploration, the book offers profound answers to some of life's most enduring questions, providing a framework for understanding the past, present, and future within a biblical context.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780647532935
    • Publisher: Amer Bible Soc
    • ISBN 13: 9780647532935
    • Publication Date: 09/30/2024
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Michael P. Jensen

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