A new Director Guide is available each quarter for Whirl so that you'll have up-to-date seasonal content for the kids in your congregation.
This Director Guide is reproducible and contains the following content based on weekly lectionary readings:
- Large Group Openings: Content for each week to gather kids of all ages before Sunday school time.
- Each Opening provides ideas for kids to sing together, make connections to the season and each other, and introduce the day's theme.
- Children's Messages: Several ideas for worship leaders to present a lively, engaging children's message for kids during worship.
- The variety of choices allows leaders to pick the option that works best for their style, the kids in their congregation, and the church's building and traditions.
- Worship Bulletins: Reproducible bulletins to copy and fold for kids. Each double-sided Pre-Reader and Reader Worship Bulletin offers content to help kids connect to the season, the Bible story, and their church.
- Additionally, each Director Guide contains: A detailed schedule of lesson titles, Bible texts, and themes for the quarter.
- Reproducible pages describing Whirl features, perfect for distributing to Whirl teachers and other leaders.
- Lesson supply lists by grade level to help leaders organize materials for the whole quarter.
This Director Guide is for the Year C Spring quarter.