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Novum Testamentum Graecum, Editio Critica Maior VI

Revelation, Complete Set (3 Vols)
  • By Martin Karrer
Product Description
The Editio Critica Maior provides the full range of resources necessary for scholarly research in establishing the text and reconstructing the history of the New Testament text during its first thousand years.

Resources include:
  • all the variants found in the selected Greek manuscripts and in citations by the Greek Fathers,
  • the evidence of the three most important early versions (Latin, Coptic, and Syriac) where they witness to variants in the Greek text,
  • the evidence of other versions (Armenian, Georgian, Old Church Slavonic, and Ethiopic) where they witness to variants in the Greek text and to the extent they are available in editions.
The text of the present edition has been established afresh on the basis of these resources.

The Editio Critica Maior of Revelation is available in four volumes:
  • The first volume (Volume VI/1), Text, contains the Greek text along with a clearly structured, extensive text-critical apparatus.
  • The second volume (Volume VI/2), Supplementary Material, lists all relevant New Testament manuscripts with descriptions of their textual character in light of the total body of evidence. The manuscripts and manuscript groups are arranged by their role in the development of the text, providing readers with a broader perspective on text-critical issues and promoting greater clarity about how decisions on variant readings are made.
  • The third volume (Volume VI/3.1), Studies on the Text, contains a section called "Text-Critical Commentary" that discusses those passages where difficulties are found in the textual tradition. Additional studies in this volume address various aspects of the manuscript and linguistic traditions associated with Revelation.
  • The fourth volume (Volume VI/3.2) contains studies on punctuation and text structure as these are significant for the study of Revelation. This special focus on Greek punctuation represents an innovation in the edition of ancient texts.
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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9783438056238
    • Author: Martin Karrer
    • ISBN 13: 9783438056238
    • Publication Date: 09/02/2024
    • Format: Hardcover

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