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2 Peter and Jude

A Pastoral and Contextual Commentary
  • By Samson L. Uytanlet
Product Description

2 Peter and Jude, though brief, are rich resources for understanding the call to live godly and holy lives. Importantly they provide essential discussion on false teachers, individuals whom many of us today narrowly define based on their unorthodox views or teachings. While there is truth in this definition, Dr. Uytanlet expands on this by skillfully expounding 2 Peter and Jude to show that our understanding of false teachers should be broadened to include lifestyle and character. In acknowledging these important areas, 2 Peter and Jude demonstrate that false teachers may hold to correct doctrines, but their loose morals and abuse of power make them false teachers. This key commentary highlights the importance of mining these Catholic Epistles further and expertly brings their messages to an Asian context.

The Asia Bible Commentary Series empowers Christian believers in Asia to read the Bible from within their respective contexts. Holistic in its approach to the text, each exposition of the biblical books combines exegesis and application. The goal is to strengthen the Body of Christ in Asia by providing a pastoral and contextual exposition of every book of the Bible.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781839738487
    • Publisher: LANGHAM GLOBAL LIB
    • ISBN 13: 9781839738487
    • Publication Date: 08/31/2023
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Samson L. Uytanlet

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