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Drums of Redemption

A New Testament Theology for Africa
  • By Bitrus A. Sarma
Product Description

If the New Testament records the good news that the Messiah came in the person of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, what good news does it proclaim to the church in Africa today?

Across the African continent, nations are grappling with issues of genocide, terrorism, political instability, ethnic division, abject poverty, environmental degradation, and the rapid erosion of community life and values. There is a dire need for New Testament theology that seriously addresses these social-political realities from an African perspective. Dr. Bitrus Sarma seeks to meet this need, providing a contextual understanding of the gospel for African Christians. Addressing every book of the New Testament, Drums of Redemption is contextually relevant, biblically rooted, and radically hope-filled as it casts a vision for how Christ's redemptive mission can be experienced in every area of life. An excellent resource for church leaders in training or those already in ministry, it also serves as a powerful example of the incarnational nature of God's word.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781839732317
    • Publisher: LANGHAM GLOBAL LIB
    • ISBN 13: 9781839732317
    • Publication Date: 03/03/2023
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Bitrus A. Sarma

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