God has a habit of showing up in unexpected places.On February 8, 2023, the Holy Spirit suddenly and powerfully poured forth on students lingering after chapel at Asbury University, located in the small town of Wilmore, Kentucky (population 6,000). For the next sixteen days, more than 50,000 pilgrims from around the world flocked to experience God’s sweet, gentle presence in Hughes Auditorium. Many sought counsel, confessed patterns of addiction and sin, and sought to reorient their lives toward God in the context of vibrant, 24-hour worship. As the Outpouring overflowed to other venues, the Asbury community—its faculty, staff, administrators, students, and community members—worked together to steward this amazing movement of God.
While other sustained revivals have happened throughout human history, despite its humble beginnings, this event grew exponentially because of social media and national and international news coverage.
Cooperating with the Holy Spirit recounts the events of the Outpouring(section 1); offers biblical, historical, and theological reflections on revivals (section 2); and provides practical insights for addressing the challenges that arise when God moves in powerful ways among his people (section 3).