The Whirl Leader Guides make preparing and presenting lessons easy and rewarding. They provide everything leaders need to engage kids with the lectionary season and lesson activities and discussions.
- Lessons are separated into four sections: Welcome, Hear, Respond, and Launch.
- The seasonal color and icon help leaders know where they are in the lectionary at a glance.
- The front of the leader guide addresses the same three questions every week to give leaders a quick context to teach that week’s lesson: what’s happening in the story, why does it matter for kids, and what is the lectionary connection.
- Scripted, bolded text in each section helps leaders easily know exactly what to say as they lead kids through the lesson. Bulleted questions and numbered step-by-step directions keep the lesson simple and organized for leaders to follow.
This Leader Guide Pack provides one Grades 5-6 leader guide for each week in the Year C Spring quarter.