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The Old English Catholic Homilies

The First Series
  • By Aelfric, Roy M. Liuzza
Product Description

A contemporary edition and translation of one of the great monuments of Old English literary and religious culture.

The homilies of the monk lfric, written in the last decade of the tenth century, offer some of the most important prose writing in Old English. They convey mainstream Christian thought, a distillation of the spiritual inheritance of the English Church before the Norman Conquest and during a time of monastic reform. The homilies cover a broad range of topics, from biblical exegesis to saints' lives to general Christian history, with a strong focus on the gospel reading at Mass, explained in language that laypeople could understand. lfric is famous for his lucid prose, which he later developed into a rhythmical and alliterative style that has often been likened to verse.

In his first series of Catholic Homilies, lfric drew on the works of Church Fathers such as Augustine, Gregory, and Bede to create forty sermons for use throughout the church year. This is the first complete translation of the Catholic Homilies since 1844, presented alongside the newly edited Old English text.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780674297685
    • Publisher: Harvard Univ Pr
    • ISBN 13: 9780674297685
    • Publication Date: 10/01/2024
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Aelfric
    • Author: Roy M. Liuzza

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