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Immigration and Apocalypse

How the Book of Revelation Shaped American Immigration
  • By Yii-Jan Lin
Product Description
Tracing the metaphor of America as the Book of Revelation's New Jerusalem, Yii-Jan Lin shows how apocalyptic narratives have been used to exclude unwanted immigrants

America appeared on the European horizon at a moment of apocalyptic expectation and ambition. Explorers and colonizers imagined the land to be paradise, the New Jerusalem of the Bible's Book of Revelation. This groundbreaking volume explores the conceptualization of America as the New Jerusalem from the time of Columbus to the Puritan colonists, through U.S. expansion, and from the eras of Reagan to Trump.

While the metaphor of the New Jerusalem has been useful in portraying a shining, God-blessed refuge with open gates, it has also been used to exclude, attack, and criminalize unwanted peoples. Yii-Jan Lin shows how newspapers, political speeches, sermons, cartoons, and novels throughout American history have used the language of Revelation to define immigrants as God's enemies who must be shut out of the gates. This book exposes Revelation's apocalyptic logic at work in the history of Chinese exclusion, the association of the unwanted with disease, the contradictions of citizenship laws, and the justification for building a U.S.-Mexico wall like the wall around the New Jerusalem.

This book is a fascinating analysis of the religious, biblical, and apocalyptic in American immigration history and a damning narrative that weaves together American religious history, immigration and ethnic studies, and the use of biblical texts and imagery.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780300253184
    • Publisher: Yale Univ Pr
    • ISBN 13: 9780300253184
    • Publication Date: 11/26/2024
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Yii-Jan Lin

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