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The Mystery of Jesus

From Genesis to Revelation-Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: Volume 1: The Old Testament
  • By Allie Anderson, Thomas Horn, Donna Howell
Product Description

Who really is Jesus Christ of Nazareth?

For most Christian minds, He is the Savior of the world from the Gospel narratives-and whereas that is

a biblical truth, that answer, alone, is tragically insufficient in light of the progressive revelation of God's

whole redemptive plan...from Genesis to Revelation. In each and all of the sixty-six biblical texts of the

Holy Bible, Christ is in it, through it, intrinsically sewn into every page, and irreversibly linked to

everything touched by His story in the world since the dawn of time.

Donna Howell, Tom Horn, and Allie Anderson pair up in this three-volume work, The Mystery of Jesus:

From Genesis to Revelation-Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, to tear down the walls of confusion

around Christ's identity and show what the Bible wholly and collectively says about our Messiah.


- Multiple ways that Jesus made personal appearances on earth (called "Christophanies") prior to His birth through the virgin Mary.

- What really happened in the Garden of Eden and what that means for humanity of all ages.

- How Christ's fulfillment of the Passover feast renders a false claim of His identity a mathematical absurdity.

- The many links between Mt. Sinai, the Day of Pentecost, and the Ascension from astounding (but largely hidden) revelations in the original Hebrew and Greek.

- The depth of Ruth like you've never heard it before, and how it connects to End-Times events.

- That the true purpose of Ecclesiastes is ironically the opposite of what the Church often teaches.

- What the controversial Song of Solomon actually portrays, how most Western scholars have gotten this terribly wrong, and its genuine purpose in the canon of Scripture.

- How the words of the Prophets regarding the "Someday Messiah" preceded a four-hundred-year season of silence and anticipation that led to disastrously incorrect interpretations of who He would be when He arrived.

- And much, much more!

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781948014618
    • Publisher: Defender Pub
    • ISBN 13: 9781948014618
    • Publication Date: 12/19/2022
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Thomas Horn
    • Author: Donna Howell
    • Author: Allie Anderson

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