A new Director Guide is available each quarter for Whirl so that you’ll have up-to-date content for the kids in your congregation. This Director Guide is fully reproducible and contains the following content:
- Large Group Openings: Content for each week to gather kids of all ages before Sunday school time. Each Opening introduces the day's theme and provides ideas for kids to sing together and welcome one another.
- Getting Ready for the Story: Several ideas for leaders to try that will help them prepare and present a lively, engaging Sunday school lesson. Each Getting Ready for the Story section offers a variety of excercises for teachers to choose from.
- Children's Bulletins: Reproducible activity pages to copy and fold for kids. Each double-sided Pre-Reader and Reader Bulletin offers content to help kids connect to the day's Bible lesson.
Additionally, each Director Guide contains:
- A detailed schedule of lesson titles, Bible texts, and themes for the quarter.
- Lesson supply lists by grade level to help leaders organize materials for the whole quarter.
- Reproducible pages describing Whirl's features- perfect for distributing to Whirl teachers and other leaders!
This Director Guide is for the Year Gold Spring quarter.