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Priestly Formation in the Human Virtues

Volume 1 - The Priest as a Man of Justice
  • By Angel Perez-Lopez
Product Description
Pius XI said that "all Christian virtues should flourish in the soul of the priest." Unfortunately, modern resources have been few and far between on how those virtues can be put into practice by priests. This is an essential tool for all seminaries, seminarians, and priests.

The Priest as a Man of Justice, finally, presents a road map. Based on the rich teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas, this book takes those complex Thomistic concepts and puts them in a form that is both accessible and practical to priests in their pastoral ministry.

This is not a dry theological handbook, but a spiritual aid to put theology into action in forming the character of seminarians and priests. The Priest as a Man of Justice is rich with spiritual exercises and meditations that will assist seminaries, seminarians and priests:
  • Identify and developing virtues
  • Recognize and counteract contrary vices
  • Grow in personal holiness.

Includes extensive quotations from the Scriptures as well as the works of St. Thomas Aquinas and St. John Paul II. The Priest as a Man of Justice is a full appraisal of the Church's tradition, and an invaluable tool for priests, seminarians, and their spiritual directors.
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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781505107036
    • Publisher: St Benedict
    • ISBN 13: 9781505107036
    • Publication Date: 11/06/2017
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Angel Perez-Lopez

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