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Where Did Tj Go?

A Book for Kids on Grief and Loss
Product Description
When a baby is on the way, everyone gets excited, including the little girls and boys who will have a new baby brother or sister to teach, play with, and care for. But sometimes things don't work out as expected. Sometimes a baby doesn't thrive. Sometimes they die and sometimes they can't even be born.

Such a loss is hard on everyone--especially young children who wonder what happened to their baby brother or sister. Where are they now? Are they safe? Do they feel sad too? What about all the wonderful things they would have done if they had lived? Will they get to do them in heaven?

After her sister's family suffered the loss of a baby, bestselling author Annie F. Downs wrote a story for her nephew, Sam, about where his baby brother TJ went. Beautifully illustrated by Jennie Poh, Where Did TJ Go? helps grieving families explain what happened and what kind of experiences a child might be having in heaven with the God who loves them and makes everything good in its time. Tender and sincere, this story doesn't shy away from the hurt even as it offers comfort and hope to those left behind.
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    • SKU: 9780800738785
    • Publisher: Revel Fleming H
    • ISBN 13: 9780800738785
    • Publication Date: 02/18/2025
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Annie F. Downs
    • Author: Jennie Poh
    • Author: Tatum Green

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