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Life in the Son

A Study of the Doctrine of Perseverance
  • Foreword by Craig Keener
  • By Robert Shank
Product Description
Does one moment of faith secure a person's eternal destiny with God--even if that person later stops following and trusting in Jesus? Or does a person have to keep on trusting and following Jesus in order to remain in saving relationship with God?

Now expanded with new chapters and research, this landmark book continues to offer one of the more penetrating studies on the controversial doctrine of eternal security, perseverance, and apostasy in the New Testament. Calling into question the popular "once saved, always saved" belief, internationally respected pastor and scholar Dr. Robert Shank reveals that the question we should be asking is not, "Is the believer secure?" but rather, "What does it mean to be a believer?"

Straightforward, thorough, and grounded in biblical understanding, Shank warns Christians about dangers that could potentially lead a believer to become an unbeliever (falling away from faith) and share in the unbeliever's eternal destiny--hell. Falling away is avoided by remaining in a saving union with Christ through a lifetime of trusting dependence upon Him.
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    • SKU: 9780764243073
    • Publisher: Bethany House Publ
    • ISBN 13: 9780764243073
    • Publication Date: 06/18/2024
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Craig Keener
    • Author: Robert Shank

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