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Marketing Made Simple -

A Step-By-Step Storybrand Guide for Any Business
Product Description

Based on Building a StoryBrand by New York Times bestselling author Don Miller, this checklist is a strategic and actionable guide to applying the StoryBrand framework to any brand and an essential part of any marketing professional’s tool kit.

Every day, brands lose millions of dollars simply because they do not have a clear message that tells consumers who they are and what value they will add to their customers’ lives. To solve this dilemma, Don Miller wrote Building a StoryBrand, which has become the quintessential guide for anyone looking to craft or strengthen their brand’s message.

Now, Don is taking it a step further with this five-part checklist that helps marketing professionals and business owners apply the StoryBrand messaging framework across key customer touchpoints to effectively develop, strengthen, and communicate their brand’s story to the marketplace.

  •   Marketing Made Simple - [eBook] ($18.77)
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  • Additional Details
  • Additional Details
    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781400203802
    • Author: Donald Miller
    • ISBN 13: 9781400203802
    • Publication Date: 03/17/2020
    • Format: Electronic Media
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